Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Linsell Farm Welcomes...

Linsell Farm is pleased to welcome Risacci. 

Risacci is a 2005 Premium Oldenburg filly that was bred by Oldenburg Farm and was Champion Filly at her inspection with scores of 8.7 for conformation & type, 8.6 for movement, and 8.7 overall impression. She is by Riverman and out of Premium mare Phaedra.

Riverman (Redfort - Landego - Calypso II) is an exceptional athlete whose offspring are excelling in jumpers, dressage, hunters, eventing, and combined driving at the highest levels. He was 1995 Grand Champion of Dressage at Devon and is a consistent producer of Premium Foals & Mares and has a number of licensed stallions to his credit.

Risacci’s dam, Phaedra (Parabol - Gotthardsen) was bred by Hilltop Farm and was the second foal ever to receive a 9.5 at her ISR/Oldenburg inspection and went on to receive an impressive 112 points and Premium status at her Mare Inspection. Her production record has been exceptional, with all her foals receiving the Premium designation.

Risacci has competed in many US breed shows and has an impressive record for her age. At the Fair Hill Breed Show in 2008 she won her 3 Year Old Fillies class and placed 2nd in the ISR/Oldenburg class. Risacci is Reserve Champion for USDF All-Breeds Awards for ISR/OldenburgNA, Fillies 3 years old. At Dressage at Devon in 2008 she placed 3rd in her ISR-Oldenburgh, Three and Older class with a mark of 73.1%. 

Look for her showing on the line this summer, as well as under saddle. 

Linsell Farm Welcomes...

Linsell Farm welcomes Cabaletta, a yearling filly by Cabardino out of Viva's Paradise by Viva's Voltaire. Look for Cabaletta showing on the line during the summer of 09.

Linsell Farm Welcomes...

Linsell Farm is pleased to welcome two new horses to our school horse program.   Charlie is a 15.3, dark bay,  Thoroughbred Irish Sport Horse Cross. Moxi is a ten year old chestnut Quarter horse. Look for updates on both of these wonderful horses later this year.